Struggling with seasonal allergies? Finding your asthma aggravated by the chill? Whether it's a persistent cough, runny nose, or itchy skin that troubles you, there's hope.
Acupuncture isn't just needles – it's a doorway to enhanced immunity, robust lungs, and a fortified body. Sail through fall and winter with confidence and comfort. Let us guide you towards holistic wellness.
Our Specializations
At Eastern Wellness Acupuncture, we offer holistic treatments like Acupuncture, Cupping, and Guasha. Our services also include rejuvenating Facial Acupuncture, Tui Na massage, and tailored Eastern Nutrition advice. Harness the synergy of ancient practices for modern well-being.
Call us with your insurance information and we can verify your acupuncture benefits for you!


"The healer you have been looking for
is your own courage to know and love yourself completely"
Yung Pueblo